Low-porosity hair solutions

What is low-porosity hair (and do you have it)?

Hair porosity is the ability of the hair shaft to take in and retain water and other cosmetic products. A hair shaft’s outermost layer, called the cuticle, is made of plates that overlap one another in a structure similar to roof tiling.

For normal hair, these cuticles are slightly raised, allowing moisture to seep into the shaft. However, the cuticles in low-porosity hair are tightly packed together and lie flat, leaving no gaps for moisture to enter. 

low porosity hair cuticle

You might have low-porosity hair if it takes a longer time to wet (as water is being repelled and kept from penetrating the hair strand). And if you use haircare products, they tend to stay on the surface of your hair rather than being absorbed.

A simple test to confirm whether you have low-porosity hair is the float test:

Place a strand of hair on top of room-temperature water in a bowl. If your hair floats for some time, it's likely to have low porosity.

 Caring for low-porosity hair

The Clarifying Treatment with the Clay Hair Mask - Detox & Clarify & Hair Essence Spray

The clarifying method involves using the all-natural Clay Hair Mask, letting it sit for the recommended time and washing it out normally, followed by applying the all-natural Hair Essence Spray.

Since little manages to penetrate low-porosity hair and is more likely to sit on the hair shaft and scalp, this can lead to a lot of build-ups (mainly from grease and products that aren’t water-based as they do not evaporate with time). These build-ups block hair follicles and worsen your hair’s health.

The Clay Hair Mask contains two types of clay: American Bentonite Clay and White French Clay.

The French Clay removes the build-ups from the scalp and strands while also eliminating dead cells and flakiness. The process is gentle as it does not strip away the hair’s natural and necessary oils, unlike some clarifying shampoos.

The Bentonite Clay has many rejuvenating properties, but its main purpose is to raise the normally flat cuticles of low-porosity hair. This opens up the hair shaft for better absorption.

After the Clay Hair Mask treatment, your hair is more receptive, and it’s time to use the Hair Essence Spray. This can be applied either to wet or dry hair.

The Hair Essence Spray is mainly comprised of floral water, which infuses the hair with nutrients and moisture, and hydrates the scalp. It also contains soothing Aloe Vera, which strengthens hair, and Vegetable Glycerine which draws moisture from the air into your hair and helps prevent breakage. With the cuticles lifted after using the Clay Hair Mask- Detox & Clarify, your hair will be ready to absorb all these beneficial nutrients from the easily applied Hair Essence Spray.

The Hydrophilic Treatment with the Velvet Hair Mask - Rich Oil Blend & Hair Essence Spray

The hydrophilic method involves generously applying the Hair Essence Spray to the hair, and then coating those damp strands with the all-natural Velvet Hair Mask.

Moisture lifts the hair cuticle for normal hair, which is why wet hair is delicate and prone to frizz or breakage. These cuticles struggle to lift even when wet for low-porosity hair, and before the moisture can penetrate the hair shaft, it’s evaporated.

As mentioned earlier, the Hair Essence Spray is nutrient-rich and almost entirely comprised of water-based ingredients. Spray it on thirsty hair for nourishing hydration and moisturisation.

Follow up with the Velvet Hair Mask. It’s a thick mask entirely comprised of rich, oil-based ingredients (such as Castor Oil, Argan oil, Shea Butter, Sweet Almond Oil, Grapeseed Oil and Cocoa Butter.)

Oils are hydrophobic, meaning they repel or fail to mix with water, so the oil-based mask acts as a barrier, trapping the moisture of the Hair Essence Spray.

We’re essentially trying to trick the hair into being hydrophilic, or water-loving, by leaving it no choice. The water-based spray won’t have the chance to evaporate right away with the oil-based mask acting as a seal. When the low-porosity hair has hopefully absorbed enough moisture, the Velvet Hair Mask will act as a deep conditioning treatment, sealing the hair cuticles and allowing them to maintain moisture balance.


Photographs by: Dina Shour


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