Frequently asked questions.

The products

I like both scents, which hair essence should I go for?

Both products are intensely nourishing, but Rose offers that little extra boost in hydration, while Orange Blossom can give your hair more of a shine.

Is it normal for the Face Mask to feel cool when I first put it on?

Yes! That light cooling sensation you feel as it dries is the mask getting to work on your skin.

How long can I leave on the Maca Face Mask?

The recommended time is 10-15 minutes, but if you’d rather go on feeling, keep it on until it just begins to harden into a crispy coating. You want to rinse it off right before it reaches that stage and not allow it to harden completely.

Is it OK to lick the Chocolate Lip Scrub off my lips?

99.2% of the scrub’s content is actually edible, but simply because of that 0.8%, we wouldn’t recommend making a habit of licking it. Rinse off with warm water.

Does the lip balm have any flavour?

Neither the dawn nor dusk Lip Balms contain any artificial flavourings. However, the honey used in the dawn Lip Balm gives it a mild, sweet taste. Similarly, the raspberry in the dusk Lip Balm can give it a slight tart flavour.

What’s the deal with the rose and orange blossom?

All of our products titled Rose or Orange Blossom always contain Rose Water or Orange Blossom Water respectively. They are powerfully hydrating ingredients that carry a soothing aroma proven to reduce anxiety.

Which of your products are VEGAN?

It would be easier to list which products are not vegan: the Multi-purpose Salve and anything from our lip-care range (due to beeswax and/or honey). Everything else that we offer is completely vegan.


You don’t seem to deliver to my country?

Our Etsy store has more international reach, but please contact us if you’re interested in making a purchase and want a shipping quote. We’re happy to deliver everywhere.

Do you do gift orders?

Yes. During checkout, you will have the option to highlight your order as a gift and leave a gift message. The order will be sent out with that message and without a price attached.